The name Aquamarine in Latin literally means ‘sea water’. Imagine
the intense turquoise blue of a tropical sea and you have it. This is the most
sought after and most expensive colour, but like the water after which it is
named, aquamarine comes in many shades and is often a much paler greeny blue,
sometimes they can be so pale as to be almost colourless. Aquamarines can be
facetted, cut en cabochon or polished into beads and are reasonably hard being
7.5 on Moh’s scale.
Aquamarine is a beryl and belongs to the same crystal system as
emerald, but tends to be slightly more durable and have fewer inclusions. The
blue colour in aquamarine is due to the presence of iron, whereas the best
emeralds owe their colour to chromium.
Aquamarines were thought to be the treasures of mermaids - an easy
connection to make. Legend also has it that they were worn by sailors to
prevent sea-sickness. However much we
love our aquamarines though, we do recommend that you still take your
sea-sickness tablets if you need them!
Aquamarine is the birth stone for March and their soft turquoise
green/blue tones suit any skin tone making them the ideal gift for anyone born
this month. Gatwards have a lovely selection of rings, pendants & earrings,
so pop in and our team will help you find something suitable.
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